to view our open letter to Governor DeSantis – a full page ad in the Tallahassee Democrat, Nov. 6, 2022.
to Dr. Blake Paterson’s interview on WSOS FM radio, opposing the sales surtax increase.

Over 63,000 housing units are approved and not yet built in St. Johns County alone.
Duval County is already a picture of urban sprawl. Portable buildings have become a staple in our area schools, traffic has exploded, and urbanization is defining our slice of paradise. If we don’t take action now, Commissioners throughout the First Coast will continue rubber-stamping developments and ignoring the interests of the rest of us.
Over the years, commissioners in Duval, Clay, Putnam, St Johns and Flagler counties have promised lower taxes and fiscal conservatism, but practice the OPPOSITE.
In 2022 the St Johns Board of County Commissioners alleges the County is facing an infrastructure shortfall while they build amenities for developers ($20-25 million for a Silverleaf park, roads to the undeveloped land, etc.) that should have been developer-paid from the beginning. To pay for these developer giveaways, they are asking St Johns County residents to approve an additional $500 million county sales tax.
tax-and-spend commissioners are receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign funds from Developers. They consistently favor developer interest instead of those of ordinary citizens like us.
We must end developer-driven government and restore fiscally sound, conservative government that protects taxpayer interests and our hard-earned money.
One of the largest developers in the area is the Hutson Companies.
That’s Senator Travis Hutson’s family company whose influence is felt throughout Florida and the First Coast, including Duval, Clay, Putnam, St Johns and Flagler counties. For example, just days after Senator Hutson’s close friend and neighbor Sarah Arnold was appointed and sworn in as St Johns County Commissioner, she voted to approve a 5600-home expansion of the Hutson Silverleaf development – as her first official act in office!
We’re a new Political Action Committee formed by patriotic REPUBLICANS in Duval, Clay, Putnam, St. Johns, and Flagler counties.
We are sick of watching our county’s rural lands get clear – cut and developed without sensible planning, and without developers bearing the costs of infrastructure development. By donating to 1st Coast Conservatives United, you can help us SAY NO to new taxes, slow down growth, and identify candidates who will NOT be influenced by big developer money. Together, we can take back our First Coast and STOP the proposed sales tax increase.
ABout 1st coast conservatives united
- We believe the US Constitution is our guiding star and not a work in progress.
- We believe in free speech and the abolition of censorship.
- We believe in individual responsibility, free enterprise, a strong defense and a small government.
- We believe in the redistribution of our Work Ethic, and not our Wealth.
- We believe in equality under the Constitution, not equity.
- We believe in creating equal opportunities for our citizens, not equal endpoints.
- We want the Federal government out of our bedrooms, out of our businesses, out of the abortion business, out of our private information and out of the classroom.
- We demand election integrity.
- We demand the right to bear arms.
- We demand that our representatives work for their constituents, not for their pocketbooks or egos.
We strive to build a Republican Party that accomplishes the above at local, state and federal levels. We must reduce the influence of money in our politics.
Sen. Travis Hutson, Florida Senate District 7, seems to have forgotten his responsibility to his Party and to his constituents. He has sponsored many bills that indirectly benefit his family’s land development empire, including SB 736. SB 736 makes it nearly impossible for homeowners to make claims on home construction defects after 4 years.
- We believe the US Constitution is our guiding star and not a work in progress.
- We believe in free speech and the abolition of censorship.
- We believe in individual responsibility, free enterprise, a strong defense and a small government.
- We believe in the redistribution of our Work Ethic, and not our Wealth.
- We believe in equality under the Constitution, not equity.
- We believe in creating equal opportunities for our citizens, not equal endpoints.
- We want the Federal government out of our bedrooms, out of our businesses, out of the abortion business, out of our private information and out of the classroom.
- We demand election integrity.
- We demand the right to bear arms.
- We demand that our representatives work for their constituents, not for their pocketbooks or egos.
We strive to build a Republican Party that accomplishes the above at local, state and federal levels. We must reduce the influence of money in our politics.
As we expand our operations throughout the First Coast, we will also work in Duval, Clay, Putnam and Flagler counties to Identify and assist candidates with the same integrity and conservative values as we have in St. john's county
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St. Johns County
Duval, Clay, Putnam, St Johns and Flagler Counties
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St. Johns County
Duval, Clay, Putnam, St Johns and Flagler Counties